2022-09-04にホスティングサービス大手のCloudflareが、オンライン上の人物やコミュニティに関する議論や嫌がらせを目的としたアメリカのインターネットフォーラムであるKiwi Farms (キウイファーム、KF) をブロックし、特に海外の分散SNSユーザーで話題になっていたので取り上げます (参考: Cloudflareが嫌がらせ特化型掲示板「Kiwi Farms」をブロック、LGBT差別が人命の危機に発展することを考慮 – GIGAZINE)。
KFの元々のURLの <http://kiwifarms.net/> はアクセスできなくなっており、ニュースサイトの情報ではその後 <https://kiwifarms.ru/> のURLに変わったとありますが、2022-09-19 Mon時点ではこちらもアクセスできなくなっています。Pleromaの分散SNSのkiwifarms.ccも巻き添えでブロックされたようです。
「Kiwi Farms – Wikipedia」を読む限り、KFは日本の匿名掲示板の2ちゃんねるから派生した4chanの分派として2013年に開設された老舗の電子掲示板でした。言論の自由を強く支持するアメリカのCDN大手のCloudflareが例外的にブロックした8chan、Daily Stormerと並ぶ、世界で最も悪名高い三大ウェブサイトの一つでした。
Cloudflareによるブロックの声明が「Blocking Kiwifarms」で投稿されています。内容を要約すると以下となります。
現在のターゲットはトランスジェンダー活動家でKeffalsの活動名で知られるクラ・ソレンティ (トランスジェンダー女性) でした。この人は被害を受け、Kiwi Farmsとそのプロバイダーへの圧力運動を展開しており、これがきっかけになったようです。
以前サイトでも取り扱った「話題: Pleroma元トップ開発者Alex Gleasonの開発コミュニティーからの追放 | GNU social JP」に続く、LGBT関係のトラブルのようです。
反応: 大手ホスティング業者は信用できない
寮 (ryo@social.076.ne.jp)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 12:37:57 JST寮 Kiwifarms shows you that Cuckflare (and western corporations in general) can’t be trusted as a hosting provider, again
寮 (ryo@social.076.ne.jp)’s status on Thursday, 15-Sep-2022 22:09:35 JST寮 Get off major VPS providers while you still can
反応: Cloudflareの対応への批判
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 10:46:59 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? The difference between Kiwi Farms being censored by cloudflare and 8chan or the Stormer is this; there isn’t a mass shooting or protest accident they can blame on it, and it’s a lot harder to call users of the site Nazis. It also took place after KF made sure to let you know who was behind this.
Hence more people noticing.
この方の意見としては、Kiwi Farmsと8chanやStomerには大きな違いがあり、Kiwi Farmsには責任を追及できる明確な事件や事故はなく、KFユーザーをナチスと呼ぶのは難しいとのことでした。
Berlusconi Fever :sonnenrad: (mechasilvio@poa.st)’s status on Monday, 19-Sep-2022 10:50:47 JSTBerlusconi Fever :sonnenrad: @PhenomX6 “We are not taking this action directly because of the pressure campaign”
They are, in fact, taking that action because of the pressure campaign.
Matthew Prince sucks Kike tranny dick.
I dream of an internet that doesn’t need things like Cloudflare
Dig Deeper (digdeeper@social.076.ne.jp)’s status on Monday, 05-Sep-2022 14:20:18 JSTDig Deeper @ryo @PhenomX6 @vriska
The Cloudcuck in chief called the Daily Stormer a “neo-Nazi troll site” and 8chan a “conspiracy theory forum”, showing he really knows nothing and relies only on mainstream media reporting: https://web.archive.org/web/20220904163042/https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflares-abuse-policies-and-approach/
But even then, those aren’t reasons to actually deplatform someone. And the Cloudcuck actually agreed a few days ago:
>Since those decisions, we have had significant discussions with policy makers worldwide. From those discussions we concluded that the power to terminate security services for the sites was not a power Cloudflare should hold.
And yet, Cloudflare did it AGAIN literally a few days later, under pressure from the transgender community – even though they denied it was because of the pressure: https://web.archive.org/web/20220905025003/https://blog.cloudflare.com/kiwifarms-blocked/.
>We are also not taking this action directly because of the pressure campaign.
There is an easy fix here. Just stop lying, and admit you will just ban whatever you don’t like (or whatever the mob tells you to ban).
The takeaway here is that the Cloudcuck is just another spez, promising one thing and doing another. An absolute clown, who will unfortunately fit right into this clown world.
Cloudflareは今回のブロックを行う数日前に、2022-08-31の「Cloudflare’s abuse policies & approach」の投稿で、過去に行ったDaily Stormerと8chanのブロックについて、自身がインフラの性質を持つことから、Cloudflareが保有すべき権限ではなく、法律にのっとって行うべきだと結論付けたばかりでした。
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 23:03:50 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? @ryo @gnusocialjp @xianc78 on a more contextual note at why this is blowing up the way it is from the free speech side, here’s an article by a man convicted of running the world’s largest DDoS empire and telling the world that cloudflare was his best friend. He then ends the post by saying that they might as well also stop protecting booters/DDoS for hire botnets if they really give a shit about making the internet better.
An old Krebs on security article from 2015 when the DDoS epidemic was really in full swing, name-dropping cloudflares business model. They resisted blocking them with the now empty anti-censorship excuse. Cloudflare said this for years and this was highly controversial but gave them customers. Everyone fell for it.
2個目の話は2015年のDDoS攻撃サービスは儲かるという話です。DDoS攻撃を行うサイトと、DDoS攻撃から守るサイトも運営している。当時、こういうサービスが流行っていたそうで、Cloudflareのオーナー (株主?) は、DDoS攻撃サイトのCloudflareの利用をブロックすべきでない (受け入れるべき) としました。その理由は検閲になるからというものでした。これは物議をかもしたが、結果的に (違法行為) の顧客を獲得して、Cloudflareの業績が上がったそうです。
touch fluffy tail (fluffy@social.handholding.io)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 14:20:24 JSTtouch fluffy tail HIRING someone to do a deep dive into exactly how keffals et al got kiwifarms taken down. Specific actionable items on how what actions were taken by her or allies, what was the timeframe, where pressure was exerted, and why it worked. The whole picture, without bias, with primary source documentation. Shoot me a DM with what it’ll cost me.
まず、この投稿でKeffalsがKiwi Farmsをブロックした全容の募集がありました。
Smirking (smirking@poa.st)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 14:20:22 JSTSmirking @fluffy It worked because jews wanted the site down. Keffals is just an out of control tranny janny spearhead, a useful idiot. When you see the ADL and The Lincoln Project mobilizing publicly – you can be sure that high finance and intel agencies are mobilizing behind the scenes.
These people are trying to reign in the internet and regain the ability to promulge narrative unchallenged like the could 2-3 decades ago. Their grip on global hegemony is currently dwindling and they view places like kiwifarms as leaks in their narrative chain that create backflow.
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 14:20:22 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? @Smirking @fluffy I’m going to go a step further and bring up Liz Fong-Jones being the missing link and hear me out on this one because you’ll learn a lot on why the ADL is involved too.
It’s been speculated on KF that Liz is the ringleader in all of this and it would make sense since he has the most connections. He worked at Google and harassed the site owners on behalf on another troon and when this failed he went to the media (sound familiar?)
His thread has been filled with theories that he is in fact the ringleader behind this all, judging by his actions on Twitter and his past history with the site. He also has the same legal birth name as another infamous hapa as well.
He also has ties with another infamous troon in the “anti-hate” group: Edward/Emily Gorcenski. Emily/Edward is a notorious doxer who is everything Liz accuses Kiwi Farms of being, helping ruin lives and putting people in prison for showing up at the wrong event. After CVille he was a media darling by bragging about helping dox the bad people.
In fact; he even did a presentation with Emily (slides attached so you can see their playbook):
今回の事件の首謀者として、KF内ではLiz Fong-Jonesが噂されていたそうです。この人は、Googleで働いており、サイト所有者に嫌がらせをしたことがあるらしい。アンチ・ヘイトグループの Edward/Emily Gorcenski. Emily/Edwardとつながりがあるそうです。
astatine (astatine@bae.st)’s status on Sunday, 04-Sep-2022 14:21:17 JSTastatine @fluffy @PhenomX6 @Smirking Apparently he is married to a guy who works at Fastly:
先ほど名前の挙がったリズは彼氏と結婚 (Lizはトランスジェンダー女性?) しており、その彼氏はCloudflareのライバル企業のFastlyで働いているらしい。
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Monday, 19-Sep-2022 15:07:47 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? @astatine @Smirking @fluffy It gets even better, a gem from the Nick Monroe post I linked said that Liz has connections to 34+ Twitter employees and was able to fast track getting a bluecheck thanks to Twitter staff connections.
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Monday, 19-Sep-2022 15:09:34 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? @fluffy Here’s one part of their attack method (unless it’s the feds doing so); they not only use illegal tactics but once they get results, they speedrun it the next time.
The past hour has featured two accounts get reactivated, only fedpost with the reacts cropped out. Both joined in March 2019 around the time NZ shooting brought heat on the site. Both were inactive as fuck, and both were used to bypass the disabling of new accounts. The troon squad is also deciding to personally harass the CEO.
They can do this for the same reason urban kids can keep stealing cars the second they get out of juvi; because there is no punishment for their behaviors. If someone fedposts IRL as a response than you can kiss a lot of sites goodbye. The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
xianc78@gameliberty.club’s status on Monday, 05-Sep-2022 02:07:40 JSTxianc78 @ryo @PhenomX6 @gnusocialjp Well, to be fair. DDoSing isn’t really that hard to do. You just need to get a bunch of people to type a ping command on command prompt or terminal and you can bring a small site to a halt. But I do think that the DDoS “epidemic” is WAY overblown.
?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)’s status on Monday, 05-Sep-2022 02:14:22 JST?Smoking cigs in Room 641a ??|?? @xianc78 @ryo @gnusocialjp Nah, that’s not how they do it. They now use pwned routers and IoT devices.
One of the largest DDoSes in history (targeting a ISP backbone itself) was done by such a botnet. After this was released forks and successors were made using other exploits.
CloudflareによるKiwi Farmsとkiwifarms.ccのブロックの速報でした。
Cloudflareは世界的に有名なホスティング業者であり、言論の自由には比較的寛容な立場でしたが、8chan、Daily Stormerに続く3回目のブロック事例となりました。ブロックの発端がLGBT関係の紛争であり、最近の世界情勢の象徴にも感じました。
詳細プロフィール。SNS: Twitter/GS=gnusocialjp@gnusocial.jp/WP=gnusocialjp@web.gnusocial.jp。2022-07-17からgnusocial.jpとweb.gnusocial.jpのサイトを運営しています。WordPressで分散SNSに参加しています。このアカウントの投稿に返信すると、サイトのコメント欄にも反映されます。
[…] 以前「速報: CloudflareによるKiwi Farmsのブロック | GNU social JP」や「速報: MastodonサーバーPawooの一時停止 | GNU social JP」で似たような議論がありました。 […]
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This Article was mentioned on web.gnusocial.jp